Boult has launched the Audio AirBass Q10 TWS earbuds in India. The wireless earbud comes with an in-ear style design and the earbuds also IPX5 certified for sweat resistance. The earbuds have Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity and compatible with Android and iOS devices. The hall switch technology that allows it to instantaneously pair with your smartphone or laptop when opening the case lid. The Q10 can also be used as mono buds for a single ear to quickly take calls or anything else. The wireless earbuds also lets you activate voice assistants such as Google Assistant and Siri.
The AirBass Q10 wireless earbuds have multi-function button that can perform multiple tasks like play/pause music, previous/skip tracks, answer/reject calls. The company claims that the wireless earbuds will provide up to 6 hours of battery life on a single charge, Additionally, the case can fast charge the buds up to four times, offering a total playback time of 24 hours. The earbuds comes in Black and White colours.
Price and Availability
The Boult Audio AirBass Q10 wireless earbuds are available on for Rs 1,299.
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