HUAWEI has launched the HUAWEI Watch GT 2, the company’s latest smartwatch in India. The Huawei Watch GT 2 comes in in 42mm and 46mm models in 1.2-inch ( 390 x 390 pixels) / 1.39 ( 454 x 454 pixels) AMOLED touch display. It is 5ATM certified for Water-resistant up to 50 meters. The Watch GT 2 is powered by the HUAWEI Kirin A1 chip. It has Bluetooth 5.1 that connects to Android 4.4 and above iOS 9.0 devices. It also has got GPS connectivity. It comes with built-in microphone and speaker. It has Accelerometer sensor, Gyroscope sensor, Geomagnetic sensor, Optical heart rate sensor, Ambient light sensor, Air pressure sensor, and Capacitive sensor. The Watch GT 2 comes with 15 sports including eight outdoor sports (running, walking, climbing, hiking trail running, cycling, open water, triathlon) and seven indoor sports (walking, running, cycling, swimming pool, free training, elliptical machine, rowing machine). The Huawei Watch GT 2 packs a Heart rate t...